By Tammye Nash

Melinda Imthurn

5 Questions with Melinda Imthurn

Melinda Imthurn is artistic director of the Women’s Chorus of Dallas. She also teaches courses in music at Mountain View Community College in the Dallas County Community College system. She has a bachelor’s degree in vocal music performance and a master’s degree in vocal pedagogy from Texas Women’s University.

How long have you been involved with the Women’s Chorus of Dallas?
I was actually a singer with the chorus before I became artistic director. My partner and I started singing with the chorus about three years ago. I started as artistic director in December of 2004.

Why did you decide to join the chorus?
I had done so much singing as a professional that I wanted some place to sing just for the pure joy of the music. My partner and I started singing with the chorus, and we just fell in love with it, with the singers and with what the chorus stands for and what it does for the community. I really felt like this was a chance to do something I love and accomplish something good.

What are your duties as artistic director?
I am responsible for the complete artistic product for the chorus everything from choosing the music to planning the concerts to actually physically conducting the concerts. And I am the spokeswoman for the chorus.

What does the chorus stand for?
Our mission is to entertain, inspire and heal all in celebration of the strength and diversity of women. We really stress diversity. This chorus is some place where any woman can come and be welcome. We partner with a lot of organizations to help raise money and raise awareness, especially around the issue of breast cancer. But on a personal level, the chorus is kind of a family for its members. It is support for women who might not get that any where else.

What is on tap for the Women’s Chorus of Dallas?
We sang in Carnegie Hall in February, performing Sing for the Cure with other choruses from around the world. Our next concert of the season is on June 24. And we have a great season planned for next year, plus a tour in July 2007 that will go to Seattle and Vancouver that we hope will raise money for breast cancer.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, April 14, 2006. ezoterika-onlineраскрутка и поисковое продвижение сайтов