By Tammye Nash Senior Editor

5 questions with David Plunkett

David Plunkett is administrative assistant to the Rev. Michael Piazza, dean of the Cathedral of Hope, the largest LGBT church in the world, which is now affiliated with the United Church of Christ, following a vote by the denomination’s North Texas Association last weekend. Plunkett is also media relations representative for the Cathedral.

What are your duties as Rev. Piazza’s assistant and as the media representative?
As his assistant, I do all the things any other administrative assistant would do: keep track of his calendar, book his travel, various other administrative things. I also sit on the church’s worship team and help plan the Sunday services. He is also president of Hope for Peace and Justice Foundation, and I am his assistant in that post, too, so I sit on that staff as well. As the media representative, I am the one who writes and issues all our press releases. I work with all the media and help arrange interviews.

How does your job with the church differ from similar positions with a secular company?
This is very different from any other job I have ever had. The work we do here is so vital, not just to the lesbian and gay community, but to all liberal people of faith. I don’t necessarily make the difference myself, but my job is to make the jobs of those who do make the difference a little easier to do.

Does your own personal faith play a role in your job?
I was already a member of the Cathedral when I took this job, so I came into the job already having a commitment to the Cathedral. I certainly would not be on staff if I didn’t have a strong faith. We are a church. This is not just a job, it’s a calling. People talk about pastors being called to the ministry, but I think every person who works here is called to do the job he or she does.

What do you do when you aren’t working?
I do theater, as well. I spent three years as a professional dancer, and now I act at various theaters around town when I can. I try to pick auditions for shows that have some appeal for me, either a particular role like when I was Joe Pitt, the closeted Mormon lawyer in “Angels in America,” or working with a particular theater or director.

Do you have any other hobbies?
I enjoy photography, and I love to travel when I can. I love to read, but I don’t read as much as I should.

Soundout is a weekly column featuring people whose jobs and interests have an impact on the daily lives of members of the GLBT community. It features those who often go unnoticed by the press and community. If you’d like to recommend someone to cover in this column, contact senior editor Tammye Nash at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, November 3, 2006. контент этопопулярность ключевых слов