By Colin Munoz – Intern

5 questions with Gina Menicucci

Gina Menicucci is a member of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund’s local Leadership Committee. She is chair of the committee that organized Lambda’s third annual Lawrence v. Texas Supreme Court Victory Celebration held June 24.

How did you get involved with Lambda Legal?
My partner and I moved to Dallas from San Diego two years ago for my job. I wasn’t involved at all in the community in San Diego. It’s funny, but I didn’t sense that the community there had the strength the community here in Dallas has. In Dallas, we introduced into the community early on through Lambda Legal and the Human Rights Campaign Federal Club, and we found a home there. I was asked to join the Leadership Committee specifically to chair the Lawrence celebration event, which is our major fundraiser each year.

What was it that made you the right person for that job?
I am the vice president of business development at my job, so in my normal, day-to-day work I do a lot of project management work, coordinating projects with a lot of different folks.But I didn’t do it on my own. One of my biggest challenges in planning the event is that I have only been here two years. So a lot of other people on the committee have done a great job of making sure everything got done and all the right people got invited.

Do you plan on getting involved in any other organizations?
No, I want to continue to focus on working with Lambda Legal. I want to emphasize efforts to get the word out about the kind of work we do, letting people know that what we do is focus on impact litigation. Lambda Legal is always looking for those landmark legal cases that will set precedent and advance our civil rights.

Does your partner also work with Lambda Legal?
My partner, Susan, is on the governing committee of the Federal Club and works on recruiting. We split up the family to be able to volunteer for both these worthy causes.

Where do you think the GLBT community needs to go from here?
The way I see us making progress is three-fold. We have to fight in the political arena. We have to fight in the courts. And we have go to go out there and win the hearts and minds of the people in all our different communities.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 30, 2006. siteбесплатная программа для раскрутки сайта отзывы