Apparently I missed this “Internet sensation” when it came out last month. Perhaps it was replaced by another one the day after. While shuffling through e-mails, I received one two days ago and discovered that Brit-based singer-songwriter-filmmaker Cosmo Jarvis had released his song and video for “Gay Pirates.” The press release makes it sound a little more important than it is:

More than a moving song and video, “Gay Pirates” is an honest look at two lovers and the discrimination that they faced at a time in history that seems to have passed…or has it? Hundreds of years after the glimpse of society Cosmo Jarvis exposes in the track, “Gay Pirates” is focused on breaking down the homophobia that still remains today. Cosmo Jarvis has created a timeless pop song, not only from a historical/socio-political perspective, but also from a melodic and lyrical one.

I don’t know about timeless, but it’s a cute dittie with a cute DIY kind of video. And it’s all here for your Internet sensation viewing pleasure after the jump. The not-gay singer will include the song on his sophomore album, Is the World Strange or am I Strange?, slated for an early 2011 release.