The openly gay mayor of Portland says he’ll decide “within days” whether to resign after admitting he lied  during the campaign about a sexual relationship he’d had with an 18-year-old legislative intern in 2005, The Associated Press reports today. Portland is the largest city in the U.S. with an openly gay mayor. And needless to say, the scandal has rocked the city’s LGBT community. Just Out, the local LGBT paper, is among those calling for Adams to step down, according to this article.
“Sam has been our guy forever, which makes this even harder,” said Marty Davis, publisher of Just Out. “It’s completely dividing and tearing our community right down the middle.”
Most who are calling for Adams’ resignation say the issue is not the fact that he had a sexual relationship with the teenager, but the fact that he lied about it. Of course, it’s doubtful he would have gotten elected if he’d told told the truth. In any case, this is clearly a setback for LGBT electoral politics nationwide, simply because it perpetuates the worst of stereotypes about gay men — not unlike the Mike Dupree scandal in Dallas last year.
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