6a00d8341c730253ef0133f4e8cffa970b-800wi-1 Rutgers University President Richard McCormick last night spoke out for the first time about Tyler Clementi's suicide.

McCormick maintained that he has looked into what happened and that officials did everything they could to help the freshman. "I have studied the record carefully and I can’t say very much about it," he said. "But I believe Rutgers responded appropriately to the information that we had."

He repeated, "Based on everything I know, I believe that we did all we could and we did the right thing."

Despite his assurances McCormick says the school will not release records of Clementic complaints against roommate Dharun Ravi and peer Molly Wei, who are accused of streaming his sexual encounter on the internet. Soon after, Clementi jumped from the George Washington Bridge.

Lawyers for both students proclaimed their innocence this week.

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