Drag superstar works Mr. & Mrs. President drag for new reality show


FIERCE 1st FAMILY: RuPaul as Michelle and Barack Obama

This year, it seems more people sent Internet holiday greetings than snail mail. And if you’ve waited until the last minute, there’s a new Christmas card idea that’s only a cut-and-paste away.

To promote "Drag Race," Logo’s upcoming reality America’s Next Top Drag Queen compeition, hostess RuPaul sent out a holiday card promotion. The supermodel works both Barack and Michelle Obama looking victorious. The inscription says, "Finally. Something we can celebrate."

"Drag Race" starts airing in February.

‘Flipping Out’ vs ‘Ugly Betty’
 Two celebrity neighbors in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles are getting ornery. "Flipping Out" star Jeff Lewis and "Ugly Betty" actress Ashley Jensen (with the Scottish brogue) are suing each other.

According to the documents filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Jensen and her husband Terence Beesley live next door to a house that Lewis is renovating.
Jensen and Beesley say Lewis constructed a deck that’s encroaching on their property.

Jensen and her husband say Lewis offered $10,000 to buy an easement and simply let the deck stand. After consulting with other real estate experts, the couple discovered that the property was worth $100,000.

The papers claim that Lewis visited his neighbors’ home and countered with a $30,000 offer and, if they didn’t accept, he threatened to bitch about them on the new season of his show.

As a result of Jensen and Beesley’s lawsuit, the court issued a temporary restraining order against Lewis, ordering him to stay 50 feet away from Jensen’s home.

Maddow is in Vogue
In next month’s Vogue Magazine, three TV newswomen are being highlighted: MSNBC lesbian Rachel Maddow, veteran Katie Couric and Campbell Brown.
Maddow’s headline reads, Rachel, "Is making her mark on cable news by keeping her cool when everyone else is losing theirs."

And she describes her political quest as "making fun of bad guys, wherever I find them."

Doonan and Martha make peace
This week, Simon Doonan, gay creative director for Barney’s New York, joined Martha Stewart to showcase innovative ideas for wreaths and trees and chat about Barney’s hippie-themed Christmas windows.

Here are some highlights from their chat.

Martha: "One year, you featured caricatures of celebrities and public figures — like Bette Midler and Joan Rivers — that was 1992, and I was in the window! Barney’s was downtown."
Simon: "You were on 17th Street, swinging in the window from a chandelier."
Martha: "I remember — with a dust mop."

Simon: "You were a very good sport. I thought, ‘She’s going to strangle me when she sees this window.’"

Martha : "To be in one of your windows, no matter what you’re doing, is pretty good!"

Simon: "People loved that one."

Martha: "This year, what’s the theme for your windows?"

Simon: "This year, we have done peace and love — have a hippie holiday, because I was reading all these articles about the counter culture and the hippie movement, and do you know this year is the 50th anniversary of the peace sign?"

Martha: "I did not know that!"

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition December 19, 2008.
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