By now, I think, most folks have at least heard of Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern and her comments comparing gays and lesbians to cancer and declaring that we are a bigger threat than terrorists and Islam. If you don’t know what I am talking about, check out the story in the March 14 Voice.
Well, I just got an e-mail from Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues with the Concerned Women for America, letting me know that poor dear Sally is “under attack by anti-Christian homosexual hate groups, such as the so-called “Human Rights Campaign” and the “Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund,” for addressing the dangers posed to American culture by militant homosexual activism and celebration of the homosexual lifestyle.”
Matt warned: “These groups have dispatched their minions in an effort to intimidate and embarrass Rep. Kern,” and said that investigators are “even looking into potential death threats” against Rep. Kern, who has been given a bodyguard for her protection.
(An article posted at says, by the way, that investigators are saying that claims of death threats have been overblown,)
Now, the Olahoma City P-FLAG chapter and some other folks are holding a rally at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 18, outside the State Capitol Rotunda to respond to Rep. Kern. So if you have something you want to say, or if you just want to show support for what others are saying, gather up your own minions and head up I-35 to OKC. Just don’t make any threats.

— Tammye Nash

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