I’m not a big football fan, but I’m slowly being converted by Kate and my in-laws to monitor Alabama football. I’m a good wife…

Of course the Rolltide brigade was here in Durham a couple of weekends ago to kick Duke’s *ss. Predicted of course, but it was amazing to see all of the ‘Bama fans RV and drive their way here to take over the city. They were EVERYWHERE.

We went to the Carolina Ale House, a local sports bar, and almost everyone in our section was an Alabama fan. The Ale House even had a large banner outside offering shuttle service to the game.

Alabama fans were boistrous and friendly. We watched the local news coverage, which focused on the RV farm that had sprouted up for the weekend. Now mind you, NC is in the South, but this was the opportunity for our media to find the most inarticulate, overexcited redneck from the Deep South to feature on the air. Usually it’s the Northern media making fun of some of our ‘flavorful’ North Carolinians, so I guess it’s a media race to the bottom to make all Southerners look dumb or (crazy or both). Here you go, featured Alabama “guest” Cary Hill (he makes two appearances in the segment):

This week Alabama is playing the Gators. ROLLTIDE! (Was that convincing?)


* Today’s my opportunity to experience stereo Alabama football eruptions in my living room

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