This is what frustrates me the most about dealing with hypocrites: They can’t keep their bigotry and their demagoguery straight.

Last month, the Texas Governor and GOP hopeless (let’s face it — he can’t be hopeful) ran an ad in Iowa in which he expressed a degree of disgust that “gays can serve openly in the military” but children can’t celebrate Christmas (huh?). He was taken to task by an Iowa teen, and again reiterated his hate-mongering.

But now that the Iowa caucuses are down to the wire, Perry is desperate to show his conservative roots. So all weekend, he’s been touting his serious commitment to supporting veterans who deserve our help — for instance, through care at VA hospitals and with job assistance and family services — after they return from overseas.

Well, since he obviously knows gays actually do serve — one of the few facts he’s gotten right in a while — then it logically follows Perry would condemn any employers who discriminate again a gay serviceman applying for a job, or would endorse an extension to same-sex spouses of veterans of  health another benefits for their injured spouses.

Only I’m sure he doesn’t.

So basically, it means you can believe a word Perry says, because his rules have a litmus test: You must first share his perverse religious faith that teaches hatred toward our fellow man in order to understand who, exactly, is entitled to our support. It seems to me a little like Orwell’s “All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others.”

So give us a straight answer, Rick: Do you unconditionally support returning veterans, or did you lie yet again? Because logic demands it be one or the other… though logic never seemed to matter to folks like him before.