R.I. Governor Don Carcieri
R.I. Governor Don Carcieri

Same sex couples living together in Rhode Island may not be recognized, but now at least they can die legally.
Although the state’s capital is the only state capital with a gay mayor, the governor is certainly not sympathetic. Last year, as same sex marriage swept through New England, Governor Don Carcieri said he would opposed the measure in his state. Then, the Rhode Island legislature passed a measure to allow a same sex partner arrange his or her partner’s funeral. Incredibly, the governor vetoed the bill.
He said, “This bill represents a disturbing trend over the past few years of the incremental erosion of the principles surrounding traditional marriage, which is not the preferred way to approach this issue.”
Yesterday, the legislature overrode the veto.
“Now, at the worst time of their lives, people won’t have to fight simply to lay their loved ones to rest,” said Kathy J. Kushnir, executive director of Marriage Equality Rhode Island.проверить whois домена