Dawson Taylor

Dawson Taylor

The Rev. Dawson Taylor, executive minister at Cathedral of Hope, has resigned to take a job in Florida.

Taylor, who’s been in his position since 2011, said he heard about the opportunity at the Naples, Fla., Church of Christ congregation and decided to apply.

“It was too good of an opportunity to pass up,” he said.

His new parish isn’t primarily LGBT like COH, but he said that was an exciting aspect of taking the job.

“I’m kind of moving over back into my roots at a more traditional church,” he said.

His last Sunday at COH is Nov. 17. He will start his new position Dec. 1

Taylor is the third pastor to resign this year. Senior Pastor Jo Hudson resigned suddenly in April and now teaches at Brite Divinity School. The Rev. Alejandro de la Torre, who headed the Cathedral’s Latino ministry, resigned then as well to take care of his elderly mother in Mexico.