Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following message regarding the massacre at a concert in Las Vegas last night:

“The violence that took place in Las Vegas last night is yet another senseless act of gun violence to shake our nation. I extend my heartfelt condolences and prayers to the victims and family members of those who were faced with such horrific violence. The perpetrator’s actions were deplorable, reprehensible, and inexcusable. While his actions were aimed to strike fear at the heart of the American people, we are a strong nation and a community that will stand together as one during these difficult times.

“This is an important time to mourn the loss of our loved ones. However, it is also an important time to act. I will work with my colleagues in Congress to consider preventive measures to alleviate tensions throughout our society and stop such egregious attacks on innocent people before they happen.”

Unfortunately, the gun lobby has a narrative that right after a mass murder — at least one committed using guns — is not the time to discuss how to pass reasonable laws that might prevent some future gun violence without restricting constitutional rights.
Stonewall Democrats President Lee Daugherty disagrees. Here’s his statement:

“After a mass shooting, we are told that it’s inappropriate to bring up gun control for debate. Considering there are more  mass shootings each year in America than there are days in the year, it will never be an ‘appropriate’ time for some. But we must, we must have the ‘inappropriate’ conversations and debate about the issue and fully fund studies of it. The United States far is the most violent when it comes to guns. This is truly an American issue. Statistics don’t lie, so neither can our solutions in response to them.

“A majority of Americans support common sense solutions to gun reform. Let’s have the guts to challenge our representatives and the gun lobby and demand gun, criminal justice, and healthcare reform NOW.”

We hope Rep. Johnson can convince her colleagues that sensible legislation won’t prevent all acts of gun violence but could reduce the number of incidents.
And President Trump read a perfectly appropriate statement about the incident in Las Vegas that was prepared for him this morning. We’re waiting for the real reaction, which we’re expecting in his late evening tweets.