By Tammye Nash Staff Writer

Former director for AIDS Outreach Center in Tarrant County started at Dallas GLBT organization Monday

Mike McKay said the innovative and comprehensive programming was what drew him to the Resource Center of Dallas.

Officials of the Resource Center of Dallas announced this week that Mike McKay has been hired as the center’s new executive director.

McKay, who began work at the center on Monday, replaces former executive director Paul E. Scott. Scott left the agency in February after three years as executive director to take over as executive director of Equality Texas, the statewide GLBT rights organization formerly known as Lesbian Gay Rights Lobby of Texas.

“The Resource Center has a rich history of service to Dallas and North Texas and a bright future with its innovative programs and its dedicated board, staff and thousands of volunteers and supporters,” McKay said in a written statement released Monday.

McKay is originally from West Texas, but said this week that he spent the first 18 years of his professional life in Dallas. He spent the last four years in Washington, D.C.

From 2004 until he accepted the job at the Resource Center, McKay was director of corporate relations for the Corporation for National and Community Service, where, according to the statement released Monday, McKay most recently produced more than $1 million to support hurricane distaster relief.

From 2002 to 2004, McKay was deputy director of AmeriCorps where he helped create and implement overall communications and operating planning for AmeriCorps.

McKay is best known in Texas for the three years from 1999 to 2002 that he spent as executive director of the AIDS Outreach Center of Tarrant County. As executive director, McKay managed the daily operations of the center that had 50 staff members and 1,200 volunteers.

In 2000, McKay received an award from the City of Fort Worth Human Relations Committee in recognition of his role in leading efforts to get the City Council to amend the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance to include protections based on sexual orientation.

Linda Moore, board president, said the Resource Center had hired a search firm to help locate a new executive director, and McKay was one of the five finalists considered for the job.

“We figured he would would be a top candidate, and when he interviewed, we knew his maturity and experience and his proven track record in development and fundraising, particularly corporate fund developments,would be invaluable,” Moore said.

She said that Scott had spent his tenure at the center getting the agency back on stable financial footing, and “we think Mike can continue that and take us to a totally new level,” she said.

“He is very much a visionary,” Moore said. “With the Ryan White cuts, we are having to evaluate a lot of things. But we are very fortunate that fundraising in other areas continues to be very helpful. We think Mike will help us even more in the areas of individual and corporate donors.”

McKay said this week has has known about the Resource Center and has known many of its staff members and volunteers for many years, and is excited to be a part of the organization.

“When I looked at the innovative and comprehensive programming the center offers, I saw it as a wonderful opportunity,” McKay said.

“There is a strong board here and a strong staff, and I am excited to have the opportunity to help continue the growth,” he said.


This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 30, 2006. cjplfybt cfqnjdпоисковая оптимизация сайта пр одвижение сайтов