Scott Milder

In the race for lieutenant governor, Republican challenger Scott Milder received 24 percent of the vote. In a Facebook post that served as his concession speech, Milder conceded the primary race to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick — but then endorsed Mike Collier, winner of the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor.
“What we achieved is quite extraordinary, and this is just the beginning of our rational rebellion against the irrational, out-of-touch politics of our Lieutenant Governor and his posse,” Milder wrote in his Facebook post.
Milder said he’s always been a Republican and will vote for the Republican candidate in every other race.
What Milder and Collier have in common is support for public education. He disagrees with Patrick, who supports supports school vouchers, but it wasn’t clear why he’d vote for Gov. Greg Abbott or other Republicans who also support vouchers.
“Dan Patrick refuses to listen or seek common ground on any issue,” he wrote. “He is the biggest bully in Texas. I will be casting my vote for Mike Collier, the rational Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor, and will strongly encourage all Texans who voted for me in this race to cast their votes for Mr. Collier as well.”
Milder left open the possibility of campaigning with Collier in the fall.

— David Taffet