
Rob Schlein

Rob Schlein, president of Metroplex Republicans, reports that some of the anti-gay planks have been removed from the Texas Republican Party’s platform during the state GOP convention in Fort Worth.

“Several anti-gay planks were removed from the Texas GOP Platform,” writes Schlein, an alternate delegate at the convention. “The most offensive still remains because the sessions got very very late and a motion to adjourn passed. I do see a clear shift in attitude, so I’m hopeful that next cycle we will clean up the rest. The immigration component is much better than before, and it seems Texas delegates are ready to be pragmatic and accept reasonable solutions based upon the platform planks.”

Schlein passed along a note from Dave Nalle, president of the Republican Liberty Caucus, containing more details about the anti-gay planks:

“For those who want to know, the items which we did manage to get out were opposition to gay adoption, gay Scoutmasters, the language equating homosexuality and pedophilia, and the endorsement for reinstating the sodomy law,” according to Nalle. “What remains is the lengthy paragraph which is basically a religious condemnation of homosexuality and the anti gay marriage plank.”