Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following statement after the CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods announced today (Feb. 28) that the retail chain will no longer sell assault-style weapons or high capacity magazines across its stores and limit the sale of firearms to adults 21 years of age and older in direct response to the high school shooting in Parkland, Fla.:

“I commend the CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods for his efforts to take on gun violence that plagues our nation,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “He has chosen life, safety, and the well-being of our children and neighbors inside schools, playgrounds, and places of worship over corporate profits. I am encouraged by this bold move from one of the nation’s largest sports retailers to make progressive changes to its policies in direct response to the Parkland shooting. Dick’s Sporting Goods has demonstrated incredible leadership in its decision and I hope that other retailers will also follow suit in making sensible changes that restrict access to assault weapons and high capacity magazines.”

“While we are waiting for others in Congress to take meaningful action to prevent gun violence, I have joined many of my Democratic colleagues by urging Congressional leadership to bring the Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act of 2017 to a vote. This bill closes gun sale loopholes and institutes strong, enforceable background checks. This is a step that will make our communities safer and prevent more Americans, like the innocent children in Parkland, from losing their lives to senseless acts of gun violence.”

— David Taffet