I don’t know any details, but it appears the TABC went into the new Dallas Eagle last night and had the bar shut down by midnight.
I missed the report (sleeping in until the ungodly hour of 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning), but my wife caught part of a report on NBC Channel 5 (I think) and heard that TABC “raided” (their word) a gay bar on Maple Street. I checked Instant Tea comments and found one from someone named David saying that TABC had come into Dallas Eagle and shut it down by midnight.
Friday night was the first night of grand opening weekend for the Eagle’s new home.
Like I said, I have no details yet – no idea if there were any “PI” arrests or if this were a situation more similar to what happened June 28 at Rainbow Lounge in Fort Worth, or to what happened opening night at the new Cherries where people were made to leave because of there were too many people in at one time.
We will find out more as soon as we can, so stay tuned.siteреклама на discovery