By John Wright

If you had to vote for a Republican for president in 2008, who would it be?

“I’m not even familiar with the Republican candidates. I already know what they’re saying. The only one I’m
concerned about is [Democrat]
Barack Obama.”

Mike Jones
Real estate investor

“Rudy Giuliani, because he’s
pro-choice and because of his stance on gay rights.”

Mark Lawson
Delivery driver/student

“Probably Giuliani, because he’s the least Republican of the Republicans. I think whatever he’s saying now [about gays] is probably not what he really means if you look at his past record.”

Phil Leven
Systems analyst

“I’m not sure. I
usually dive into it the year that it starts. Until then it’s just so much hype.”

Ronnie Deitz

“If I had to vote Republican, I would not vote at all. I don’t want another George Jr. in office.”

Mike Lewis
Health care

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition December 14, 2007 поддержка сайтов алматыпоисковое продвижение сайта под яндекс