By John Wright Staff Writer

Do you feel safe using the Katy Trail given the latest violent attack, which occurred Tuesday, Nov. 27?

“I think the feeling of people who use the trail a lot is that it’s pretty darn safe, so this surprises me that there’s been another attack, particularly in broad daylight.”
Harden Wiedemann

“That’s funny because I normally bring my mace, but I forgot it today. I feel better if I have my mace with me. It’s kind of scary.”
Share Murphy

“I would say less so, but being men I think we have less of a chance of problems than unescorted girls.”
Fred Penn
Financial adviser

“I was walking by here shortly after it happened. I don’t carry my billfold or anything with me, so I feel like if they try something, they won’t get anything. It does make me a little nervous.”
Atticus Thomas

“I’m always thinking that it’s never going to happen to me, but that’s really scary. I feel more safe with my dog. That is creepy.”
Abby Lundberg
Law student

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask? E-mail it to

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition November 30, 2007. поддержка сайта цены киеврейтинг строительных сайтов