By David Webb

Should community leaders who get arrested on suspicion of public lewdness and public indecency charges face public scrutiny?

“No, because I think sex lives should be kept private. What people do is their own business.”

Christian Cockrum
Massage therapist

“No, because it’s nobody else’s business.”

Bill Armstrong

“No, because it’s not right. Certainly no more so than a straight person would, and you know that’s not going to happen.”

John Davis
Transportation worker

“Yes, if they get arrested. They are supposed to be examples for the rest of us. They should have more class.”

Jennifer Giles
Registered nurse

“I love public lewdness. I love nudity. I think everyone should walk down the street nude. Nobody should be against that. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.”

Nikole Nichols
Topless dancer

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 21, 2007 копирайтинг цены за 1000 знаковпродвижение большого сайта