By David Webb

How big of a threat do you view conservative Christian activists, such as members of Americans for Truth, to be to the LGBT community?

“In the long term, I think we will come to a situation where they have less of an impact. I think they’re losing steam.”

Jeff Atkins

“I don’t consider them a threat. If we let them be a threat, then they win. We have our viewpoint. Let them have their own.”

Marc Tuton

“I don’t know that it’s a threat. I just think it is annoying, and I’m not even a lesbian.”

Tricia Washington

“If they were to get total power in Congress, they would obliterate the LGBT community.”

Jeremy Anderson

“I think it is degrading, and it makes me feel like organized religions are just very judgmental about gender and sexual orientation.”

Sarah Ramirez

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 7, 2007 siteкак раскрутить сайт в yandex