By David Webb Staff Writer

How strong do you think the economy is in light of the large number of mortgage failures and the fluctations of the stock market?

“They bit off more than they could chew. It stands to reason that now it’s all coming due there’s problems. It was a bad idea.”

Chuck Pierce
Bookstore manager

“Truly? The economy is doing very poorly.”

Michael Allison

“I think it is in a bit of a scary shape, thanks to our current president.”

Carrie Martin
IT manager

“I don’t have any opinion on that. I haven’t read to much about it.”

Romanho Cid

“Right now, I’d say our economy is in fair shape. It’s been in worse shape and in better shape before.”

Darrell Keely

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask? E-mail it to

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 24, 2007 skachat-vzlomцена на рекламу сайта