By Ben Briscoe Staff Writer

How big of a role do you think Ed Oakley’s sexual orientation played in his loss?

“I feel like I only voted for him because he was gay. I didn’t really like his image outside of that, so I would say if anything it helped and not hurt him.”

Jadyn Harris

“I think it played a big factor because several of my co-workers said they would not vote for him because he was gay.”

Josh Youngblood
Financial services

“I don’t think it had anything to do with the fact that he was gay. He had so many other things on his record that out-shadowed that.”

Ili Lagos

“Living in Carrolton, I didn’t follow it really closely. But it seems like I just didn’t hear anything about him being gay except for the robo calls which Tom [Leppert] told them to stop.”

Thomas Hill

“Not much at all. It was the North Dallas part of the community that just wanted a conservative Republican. Tom was the best representation of that.”

Tom Martin
Financial planner

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask? E-mail it to staff writer Ben Briscoe at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 22, 2007. как добавить сайт в поисккак раскрутить сайт визитку