By Ben Briscoe Staff Writer

How do you think openly gay mayoral candidate Ed Oakley’s new negative TV ad will impact the election?

“I don’t believe half of what I see and hear. Things like this just don’t phase me anymore.”

Ed Moody

“When people run against each other it’s just normal for claims like this to be made, and they never really do anything.”

Christine Russel
Postal Worker

“Those facts are some hard things to ignore. It’s not like he is just cheating on his wife; he’s putting kids’ lives in danger with toxic sand. It will have a big effect, at least in my vote.”

Bobby Davis

“It serves no useful purpose because attacks like these do not address the issues.”

Karen Finkelman
Government employee

“I don’t think it will do anything because everyone tunes out stats like that. They are so commonplace in elections, we all just ignore them.”

Fred Johnson

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask? E-mail it to staff writer Ben Briscoe at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 8, 2007. siteбаннерная реклама что это такое