By David Webb

Do you think Dallas has become progressive enough for voters to elect an openly gay mayor?

“I would say yes. It seems like more and more people are becoming liberal. I think the city is progressing along so it could happen.”

Jamie Cox

“I think so. A lot of gay people have already gotten elected. Lupe Valdez got elected sheriff, and she is openly gay.”

Francis Escobar

“I think anything is possible here in Dallas. Right now it comes down to the issues. That’s what I concentrate on. I don’t think about someone’s sexual
orientation when I’m voting.”

Marcy Kahn

“Wow. I’d have to say not quite. The overall population has just not gotten there.”

Dustin Moore

“I’d like to see it happen. But in all honesty, I don’t think we’re quite there yet.”

Chris Leeds
Technical consultant

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask?
E-mail staff writer David Webb at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, April 27, 2007. seo копирайтингоптимизация битрикс