By David Webb

Have you decided who you are going to vote for in the May 12 mayoral election?

“I’m not going to vote. I don’t keep up with it. That’s an honest answer.”

Stephanie Osborne
Office manager

“I’m going to vote for Ed Oakley. I think he has more ideas, and he has a pretty good record in South Dallas.”

Scott Burton
Flight attendant

“I haven’t decided yet possibly Oakley.”

Dennnis Hartzog
Licensed counselor

“I haven’t thought about it. I guess I should do some investigating and listen to the debates.”

Michael Villacana
Hotel employee

“No, I haven’t. I’d like to learn more about it before I decide.”

Frank Pesina
Flight attendant

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask?
E-mail staff writer David Webb at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 4, 2007 оптимизация сайта бесплатно