By Beth Freed Staff Writer

What are you doing out in the cold today? (My answer: The boss made us do it, but at least I had Lisa Rainey from DVtv to keep me warm!)

“I’m waiting for the bus to visit a sick friend. I’m taking him some snack food. That’s a legit reason.”

Jeff Knaub

“My boss. I’m out here because I work for Green Mountain Energy. I’m trying to sign people up for pollution-free electricity that’s a little cheaper than TXU, but there’s not many people out here.”

Andrew Pruett
Sr. Sales Agent

“It’s not that cold out! I’m a northern boy. This is warm to me. Twenty below – that’s cold. This is warm. Get me on the ski slope with a pair of shorts, in this kind of weather, and you’d be nice and warm.”

Paul Walker
Message Therapist

“Shopping. My roommate and I woke up this morning and just decided to take off work. The shops are a lot of fun. I’ve been getting some neat things.”

Leslie Jolly

“She (Leslie) had never been down to these shops, so I wanted to show her around. It’s a snow day!”

Brandon Cook
Equity Residential

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask? E-mail it to staff writer Beth Freed at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 19, 2007 vkhackраскрутка сайта в поисковых си стемах