By Beth Freed

What are your plans for the day after Thanksgiving?

“Nothing. Watching TV…nothing. No shopping. I don’t have to. Don’t have any family and friends to buy for, so I don’t need to.”

David Lester
Travel counselor

“I’m going to be working. I’m opening up Crossroads Market. So my plans are to work, and then sleep. I am not going to be shopping. I usually wait until Sunday to go shopping, when people are tired.”

Karie Moorman
Barista, Crossroads

“I’m probably going to my dad’s house and doing some shopping. We’ll go to whichever stores have the best deals.”

Adam King,
RCD employee

“Sleeping until I wake up. I don’t usually go shopping the day after. I worked retail for years and it’s a nightmare. I’d just rather stay away.”

Mikael Andrews
RCD employee

“I plan to stay locked up in my bedroom and enjoy it. I don’t go shopping after Thanksgiving. It’s too hectic. I don’t need this kind of stuff that bad.”

Karole Jones
Office clerk

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask E-mail it to staff writer Beth Freed at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, November 24, 2006. поддержка сайта компаниикак привлечь клиентов на сайт