By Beth Freed

What is your favorite Thanksgiving holiday dish and why?

“Gumbo is my favorite holiday meal, because it’s part of my heritage.”

Don Taylor,
Postal Worker

“I love the pumpkin pie, because I love sweets.”

Gustavo Tolosa,
Concert pianist/teacher

“My mom’s turkey, because it’s my mom’s turkey.”

Rachel Trahan
Culinary worker

“Turkey and cranberries, because…It’s Thanksgiving!”

Brandi Lizama

“I’d have to say mincemeat pie. Because my grandmother makes it. All her pies are really good, but her mincemeat pie is the best.”

Peter Gordon
Job seeker

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask?
E-mail staff writer Beth Freed at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, November 17, 2006. сайтпроверка тиц онлайн