What do you think about the scandal involving former Republican Rep. Mark Foley’s sexually-explicit e-mails to congressional pages?

I think it is so ironic. He gets what he deserves.
David Degarmo

I wish they would call him what he is, which is a pedophile
Scott Thomas
Financial analyst

I believe before they start making innuendos they should get a more full investigation.
Kenneth Pope

I think it is sad another example of moralistic Repub-licans. It’s a sad comment. I hope everybody votes Democratic.
Sam Daniel
Airline Employee

I think I agree with what some Republicans have to say. I think Speaker Dennis Hastert should step down and so should other prominent Republicans who knew about it.
Bill Martin

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask? E-mail it to staff writer David Webb at webb@dallasvoice.com.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, October 6, 2006. цены на копирайтинг киевреклама гугл на сайте