By David Webb Staff Writer

Are you excited about the Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade on Sunday?

I’m not going to the parade. It’s too crowded. I might walk down to the festival in Lee Park.

Bruce Birchard

Yes. I’ll be working, but I’ll try to catch some of it.

Steven Austin

Yes. My church has a float in it. I enjoy the parade because of the camaraderie.

Denise Stuart

I’m excited about it because it’s one more way of being part of the community.

Blayne Bell

I came here from Oklahoma City. I’m really looking forward to my first Dallas parade.

Dustin Bugos

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask? E-mail it to staff writer David Webb at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, September 15, 2006. продающие тексты для сайтакак узнать скорость соединения с интернетом