By Colin Munoz – Intern

As a member of the GLBT community, do you feel as free as other citizens of this country?

“No. We don’t have equal rights. There really is no equality.”
Joseph Osbourne
Hair Stylist

“Yes. I have a lot of the same opportunities, except marriage. But I’m not thinking of that right now.”
Kevin Hicks

“I don’t have as many freedoms. Freedoms are taken away one at a time in this country. Not just in the GLBT community but other communities as well.”
Leah Hoben

“Yes, pretty much. I live in San Francisco so there’s no more freedom than that, at least for gay people.”
Robert Green
Computer Programmer

“No, on two accounts. I’m still fighting racism and now I have to fight discrimination against sexual orientation and age.”
Louis Lyons
Doctoral Student

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask? E-mail it to staff writer Colin Munoz at

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 30, 2006. pro-vkhackдизайн сайтов цена