By Colin Munoz – Intern

With Father’s Day coming up, how has being gay affected your relationship with your father?

“At first it was weird. We never really talked about it, but it’s a lot more comfortable now. I bring boyfriends home and he’s O.K. with it. Sometimes we joke about me being gay, but we’re O.K.”

John Engelke

“Our relationship hasn’t changed much, we just don’t talk about it. He approves of it, though.”

Derrick McNeil

“I didn’t talk too much of it to him. He knows now but he’s old fashioned. It’s taken 6 years for him to accept it.”

Kasey Perez
Truck Driver

“I never really knew him. When I finally met him, we had nothing in common, and he didn’t approve of me being gay. We don’t keep in touch. My mother was both mother and father.”

David Mumford
Shift Supervisor

“Our relationship is O.K. When I told him he said, “‘It’s your life. I just want you to be happy’.”

Paul Leon

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 16, 2006. siteспособы продвижение сайта в интернете