What should they do to protect the Legacy of Love Monument from future vehicular damage?

Rudi Redman — "Put up a neon sign that says, ‘Slow!’"

Lex Fender — "Build a small wall around it."

Andre Warner — "Move it."

Jonathan Hubble — "Surround it with guys with machine guns."

Bill Henges — "I don’t see that there’s a way to really protect it."

Katie Budge — "You know those cement balls they use on the overpasses on Central Expressway? Surround it with those and puts plants to disguise it."

Rick Vanderslice
— "Move it to Tarleton State."

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 23, 2010.тех поддержка сайтамассовая проверка тиц и pr