What are you doing to live more "green"?

Paul LaPierre — "I use far less plastic bags. I carry recyclable bags in my car when I go shopping."

Kathleen Petroskey — "All my paper products are recycled. We try to keep our heat down."

John Arney and Greg Waite — "We recycle everything possible, electronics especially, even when we have to pay to dispose of stuff properly. We’re switching to low-energy lights, carpool and grow our own vegetables. We’ve put in new insulation and new energy efficient windows."

Susan Lavigne — "I live in Plano so I consider us ahead of the curve when it comes to recycling. It has become habit over the years to separate things. My landscaping is proving to be a bit more of a challenge. I have been slowly replacing water-hogging plants with Texas natives."

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask?
E-mail it to nash@dallasvoice.com.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition February 19, 2010.

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