By DAVID TAFFET | Staff Writer

What legal protections do you and your partner have in place in case of emergency?

Robert Hutchens — "I’m on his insurance plan, but no legal protections."

Pam Gerber — "Powers of attorney, wills and all the accoutrements that our attorney recommended."

Daniel Williams — "We kind of have the base line protections. Can’t afford to hire an attorney so we did everything off boilerplates, gave copies to family members on both sides and of course everything is notarized."

Olga Garcia — "We have wills, healthcare power of attorneys and Alex and I are registered domestic partners in the state of California but not in Texas. Fortunately, my company has RDP insurance benefits so she does have a legal claim to insurance, but that’s it. I sometimes wonder if that is enough."

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 22, 2010.odnomaster.ruпродвижения сайта по новому запросу