By DAVID TAFFET | Staff Writer

Will we have same-sex marriage in Texas by the end of the decade?

Leah Shafer — "I seriously doubt it. The voices of gay marriage opponents are so strong that they overshadow those working for change to our draconian marriage laws."

Siobhan Grantham — "Realistically I’d say no, but I think we can overturn the 2005 Prop 2 vote by the end of the decade and maybe even have civil unions."

Micah Banes — "In Tejas? By 2020? Man, no, I don’t think so. I think it will be Texas and like five other states without gay marriage in 2020, unless the feds get involved."

Jennifer Medina — "I don’t think so, sadly, not unless enough of the rest of the country steps up first. Of course we do have that new gay mayor in Houston!"

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 8, 2010.сайтподдержка сайта тарифы