
Everyone knows that gay culture is preoccupied with youth. Blah blah blah. But you don’t have to be under 30 to demonstrate your physical prowess. Or even under 40. Or even 64.

Diana Nyad, the lesbian swimming legend and sports commentator, has set numerous marathon water records in her storied career, has tried five times to set another record: swimming more than 100 miles from Cuba to Florida without benefit of a shark cage or wet suit. She failed four times.

But not this weekend when, after 53 hours, she came ashore off Key West on Monday. She is 64 years old.

I’ve been a huge fan of Nyad since I was a kid, but every time she has attempted this record in recent years — while I have rooted for her — I have thought she should just give up. She’s not getting any younger.

But boy, did she prove me wrong.