The Dallas-based direct action group Queer Liberaction staged a rally last Saturday, March 7 on the Grassy Knoll in downtown Dallas as a sign of solidairty with the LGBT community of California as the battle against that state’s anti-gay-marriage amendment, Proposition 8, continues. Similar rallies were held at the same time in San Antonio, Indianapolis and Nashville, according to local QL organizer Blake Wilkinson. The rallies came just two days after the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a lawsuit claiming that Prop 8 is invalid because it was placed on last November’s California ballot improperly. The court is also considering the validity of several thousand same-sex marriages performed in California between the Supreme Court’s May ruling saying it was unconstitutional to deny legal marriage to same-sex couples and the Nov. 4 passage of Prop 8. The court has 90 days from the date of oral arguments to issue its ruling, and Wilkinson said this week that QL is calling for LGBT Dallasites and their supporters to gather at the intersection of Oak Lawn Avenue and Cedar Springs Road at 7 p.m. on the day the decision is announced to either celebrate victory or protest defeat.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 13, 2009.
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