Steven Crowder posted a notice on his website making fun of plans by the LGBTQ law group OUTLaw to protest his live broadcast from the SMU campus on Thursday.

OUTLaw, the LGBTQ law student organization at SMU, is organizing a protest on the SMU campus for Thursday, March 22, in response to “the university’s tolerance for homophobia and hate speech on campus,” according to OUTLaw President Joanna Pearce. The protest is in response to a planned event featuring right-wing commentator and “comedian” Steven Crowder, the man behind the “Louder with Crowder” podcast.
Crowder was recently had his Twitter account suspended for seven days after he posted an undercover video to his YouTube channel late Tuesday, March 13, in which he used a character named “SvenComputer” to crash a gender fluid panel at South by Southwest in Austin. The video, which at first included use of the word “faggot” but was later edited to exclude that language, has also been pulled from YouTube. (Notice the use of the word “fags” on the T-shirt Crowder is wearing on the flyer for the event, at right.)
Pearce said OUTLaw is working to organize “a large, peaceful protest comprised of members of the student body as well as members of the general public willing to stand together in unity against intolerance.”
The protest will take place Thursday, from 4-7:30 p.m., on the lawn directly across from McFarlin Auditorium, 6405 Boaz St., where Crowder will be broadcasting his podcast live from 7-9 p.m. Crowder’s appearance at SMU is sponsored by the SMU College Republicans. The SMU Republicans EventBrite invitation for the free event reads: “That’s right! Right-wing rabble-rouser, Steven Crowder will be broadcasting LIVE right here from the heart of SMU. Witness the non-safe-space-friendly program that’s been downloaded by millions, as well as banned in eight countries… including Yemen! Commentary, comedy and triggering followed by a live Q&A with your fellow classmates. “Louder With Crowder” Live! Come for the triggering, stay for the party.”
On his own Louder with Crowder website, Crowder wrote in response to news of the planned protest: “The more energy one has to dedicate to petty matters, the more one thinks a hashtag “affects change.” No. Which brings me to this gaggle of college crybabies who’re soiling their diapers over the mere thought of Steven Crowder dipping his triggering toes in their fragile camps waters.”