Howdy, y’all.
Roving reporter Daniel A. Kusner in Northwest U.K. this weekend. It’s Manchester’s 18th Pride celebration.
Earlier this afternoon, their parade passed near the Town Hall. About 44,000 attendees are expected during the 10-day festival. I don’t believe they are fudging the numbers. The crowds are overwhelming. Even Lord Mayor Mavis Smitheman with her purple-dyed hair gave her blessing while the 84 outrageous, poignant and breathtaking (203 police officers, plus a 40-member marching band) floats made their way down the city center.

Here are some images…
Typical muscleboys, above.
Boy George spun last night — at the weekend kickoff celebration, above.
Even department stores like Selfridges & Co are getting into the spirit, above.
Amy Winehouse represented, above right.
And a float for Manfest — Manchester’s ultimate fetish event, above.
More to come …светодиодная реклама ценакак выбрать ключевые слова для сайта