Today,  on Google News, the word “tranny” gets 198 hits: Entertainment Weekly, MTV and LA Weekly use it freely and without any disparaging context.
Even CNN uses it (but they’re usually talking about motor vehicles).
It appears the word “tranny” is in a state of transition itself. Or not.
The blog Planetransgender is all kinds of miffed that Dallas Voice has sometimes gone with the post-Amy Poehler usage, which made “tranny” an undeniable catchphrase.
Words evolve. Every now and then you hear some idiot still whining that the word “gay” used to have a “wholesome” meaning — before homosexual activists hijacked it.
And Wanda Sykes is trying to get people to stop staying, “That’s so gay.”

Will “tranny” become another word licensed only for bigots?
We’ll see. I’m supposed to speak with RuPaul on Wednesday. I’ll ask her what she thinks.
Thanks, Planetransgender. Let’s keep this discussion gameпродвижение сайта раскрутка правильная