Some observations about the parade:
More floats than ever. Best looking Dallas parade ever.
Faux pas: Southwest Airlines was immediately followed by American Airlines.
Interesting: Walmart Pride participated but Chik-fil-A Pride didn’t. That’s a thing, right?
Dallas Police: Friendly. Enthusiastic. Had fun while keeping a careful eye on everything going on from rooftops to street. I spoke to a number of them and they’re the best. Parade participants made sure any officer who needed water got it. I saw lots of hugs for officers while they remained vigilant making sure we were safe. I’ve never seen a community and police force love and respect each other during a large event as much as I saw today.
And I can compare. Last year I was at Houston Pride. Not a single smile. They weren’t there to answer a question and not one that I encountered on the entire parade route wanted to be there. Believe me. There weren’t hugs with Houston police.