By Daniel A. Kusner – Life+Style Editor

Gay founder of Philanthropy World celebrates 10 years of recognizing charitable contributors and culture

HELPING HAND: Bob Hopkins holds Volume 9, Issue 2 of Philanthropy World, which features a cover story about Meryl Streep.

All those tuxedos, ball gowns and valet parking could be a turnoff. But unless there’s some alluring glitz, you can’t successfully coax Dallas’ nouveau riche to open their wallets for charitable causes.

In July, Bob Hopkins celebrates his 60th issue of Philanthropy World magazine. The gay

president and founder of the magazine unfurled the first edition in 1996. Back then, the tabloid-sized paper was called Philanthropy in Texas. And in a full-color, two-page spread, Hopkins highlighted the 11th annual Dallas Collection of the Design Industry’s Foundation Fighting AIDS.

Ten years later, the magazine has evolved considerably. Now called Philanthropy World, the publication is a sharper, glossier periodical. And the scope has extended beyond the Lone Star State, but it’s still produced in Big D.

This week, we caught up with Hopkins, whose office is in Uptown, near the corner of McKinney Avenue and Routh Street.

How has Philanthropy World changed over 10 years?
In 1996, few people knew the definition of philanthropy. Even today, some think you have to have a lot of money to be a giver. Actually, philanthropy comes from the Greek word philo, which means, “love of humankind.” Money is never mentioned as part of the definition. And many people still don’t know how to spell or pronounce philanthropy, but most know it refers to “giving” in some way usually money or donations.

How has the concept of philanthropy changed over the past 10 years?
Today, donors know what questions to ask to determine which organizations deserve their gifts. People now know that fundraising is not the good-ole-boy-system anymore. It’s more about the cause and mission of the organization.

Biggest gay content coup:
The unveiling of the July/August 2002 issue, which featured a profile about partners Hector Garcia and Craig Holcomb. Because of their philanthropy and their political involvements in Dallas, the attending guests, who came to honor them at the Peters Gallery, included three mayors and several candidates from different parties. And this was during or just after an election, when the politicos felt uncomfortable. But they wouldn’t miss an opportunity to honor Hector and Craig.

Which annual fundraising event is the best one in Dallas?
The DIFFA Dallas Collection. I go every year. It has all the ingredients of a truly special event, which tantalizes the soul and still raises money.

When attending fundraisers, how often do you valet your car?
When there’s no other choice. I usually don’t enjoy standing in line waiting for my car even though the line gives me lots of time to chat with those I didn’t have a chance to see inside.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 16, 2006. hoststatic.netнаполнение сайта joomla