nypl.digitalcollections.510d47e3-831b-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99.001.w (1)The New York Public Library has released tens of thousands of pictures and documents digitally today (Thursday, Jan. 7). Among them are papers of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
There’s also an album of thousands of LGBT rights photos. Among them, the picture above. This picture was taken in Dallas at a convention of the American Psychiatric Society in 1973. Dallas historian Phil Johnson (left, with the long hair) is seen dancing with activist Frank Kameny. This dance was considered a pivotal moment in the APA taking homosexuality off its list of psychiatric disorders.
There’s a discrepancy about the date. The library dates the picture to May 1-4, 1972 in Dallas. The APA changed its policy in 1973. Last year, in all of Kameny’s obituaries (including ours), the date cited was 1973.
Click here to scroll through the newly released collection. Warning: You ARE going to waste the rest of your day.