My girl Shirley Phelps-Roper, Fred’s daughter, might not be coming to Pride events with her “Fags Eat Poop” signs anymore.
According to a new article in the San Francisco Sentinele, they have a new targtet — Jewish folks.
While picketing outside the Washington office of the Anti-Defamation League last Friday, Phelps’ daughter Margie told JTA that the group is now focusing on the Jewish community because church members have been “testifying” to gentiles for 19 years that “America is doomed” and they haven’t gotten the message.
“Now it’s too late,” she said. “We’re done with them.”
Margie Phelps added, “one of the loudest voices” in favor of homosexuality and abortion is “the Jews, especially the rabbis.”сайт визитка москвасайта проверка индексации