These fine folks braved the cold this morning to counterprotest the Phelps clan, but the whackos from Westboro Baptist Church never showed.

According to their Web site at, the Phelps clan from Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., was scheduled to be in Dallas today, beginning with a protest outside North Dallas High School at 8 a.m. Now I know we’re not supposed to give these whackos the publicity they’re seeking, but given that the high school is only a few blocks from the Instant Tea Brewery, I couldn’t resist my first opportunity to see them in person. Unfortunately, they never showed, and at about 8:15 a.m., we got word that the entire clan had gone to Skyline High School in South Dallas instead. Still, I wanted to reward the efforts of these counterprotesters, who braved the cold and unfurled their signs for me. Maybe they can head up to the Westin Galleria, where it looks like there’s a Facebook event for a counterprotest from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. says the Phelps clan will be protesting a “2010 Women’s Event,” but I can’t promise you they’ll be there.
UPDATE: Local activist David McFatridge sent along photos and a video from the Skyline High School protest. I’ve posted them after the jump.

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