By Daniel A. Kusner Life+Style Editor

Cameron Mitchell parlays gay-erotica fame into workout-video series

FLEX APPEAL: Gay-porn aficionados know him as the insatiably versatile Caesar. The bodybuilding world knows him Cameron Mitchell, super heavyweight NPC Junior National finalist.

Whoever says porn stars are victims of exploitation hasn’t seen “Cameron Mitchell’s Chest and Shoulder Workout” ($44.95, BrawnStudio). For now, Mitchell might be more famous as “Caesar,” the tireless muscleman who bottomed for nine Latino studs in the seminal “Caesar’s Hardhat Gang Bang,” one of his many illustrious erotica credits.

But porn fame is fleeting, and Mitchell is branching out. Instead of being hired for porn-studio fare, Caesar seems to be focusing on directing himself in muscle-worship projects that are marketed on his extensive Web site,

In the past five years, Mitchell has considerably bulked up his physique. He’s downright massive. The 33-year-old competes as a super-heavyweight in bodybuilder competitions placing fifth at the 2004 NPC Junior nationals. And now Mitchell is sharing training tips in a series of workout videos. The first, “Chest and Shoulder,” was released this summer, and three more “Back,” “Legs,” and “Arms,” are expected to be released in 2007.

If you’ve ever been curious about a porno star’s off-camera life, Mitchell’s fitness video is an interesting glimpse. The dude lives in a very cool and expensive-looking homestead in Palm Springs. His gleaming kitchen looks like something featured on HGTV, and there’s a sleek pool off his bedroom.

Oh yeah, he’s married in fact, his wife co-stars as Mitchell’s workout partner. Go figure.

The video follows Mitchell and wife as they wake up at 6 a.m., make breakfast and hit the weights at the World Gym Palm Springs where they train very, very hard. Mitchell’s an informative host who seems to know what he’s talking about. And the first lesson he discusses is Dedication: Competitive bodybuilding isn’t a hobby. It’s 24/7. Mitchell says pumping weights consumes all his time and mainly helps keep him out of trouble.

I recently caught up with Mitchell via e-mail to ask about steroids, his sexual identity and getting buff.

What are you bodybuilding goals?

Right now, I’m focusing on my personal-training business and production company. I was planning on competing in December, since I’ll be in competitive shape while shooting the remaining fitness videos. But I’ll be in Australia through Dec. 11, and I’ll miss the Excalibur Bodybuilding and Figure Championships, which are being held Dec. 2.

How come you don’t discuss steroid use in your videos? Did you think about it including something informative about it?

No. I’m not a doctor, and I believe anyone considering using steroids should only do so under a physicians care.

At the gym, you’re conscientious about out wiping down equipment and re-racking weights. But how do you react when someone waits while you’re busy doing your sets, or they ask to work in with you?

I don’t have a problem with anyone waiting as long as they’re polite. If I’m on a machine that’s easily adjusted and it doesn’t require me to take a lot of weight off for the other person wanting to work in, then I have no problem with that either.

Do you see yourself training this hard 10 years from now?

If my body will let me. If I’m healthy and able to do what I do now, then I’ll still be doing it.

How many bodybuilding shows can you train for in a single year?

That’s up to the individual. But anymore than three and you’ll burn yourself out.

You’re married. And your wife seems nice. But how do you define your sexuality?

On Aug 12, we celebrated our 11-year anniversary. I’m bisexual and have been for as long as I can remember.

Did you do the interior design on your house?

No way. I’m a typical guy when it comes to that stuff.

Which room is your favorite in the house?

The bedroom. For obvious reasons.

Do you ever workout alone?

Only when my partner can’t make it. But serious bodybuilders usually have to ask someone to spot them on heavy sets.

Do you wear a mouth guard when you lift?

No. I don’t think it’s necessary. You should be focused on your breathing when lifting, so grinding your teeth shouldn’t be a problem.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, September 15, 2006. обслуживание сайта цена киевпроверка сайта онлайн