Jeffrey Payne, who ran in the primary for Texas governor, has declined to endorse either Lupe Valdez or Andrew White in the runoff.
Valdez and White were the top vote-getters and will face each other in a runoff on May 22. Payne said in his concession speech on Tuesday night he will endorse the winner of the runoff for the November election.

Endorsement Statement from Jeffrey Payne

I want to thank all the people who heard our message and were motivated to vote for me in the Democratic Primary for Governor. Though we did not win, we did bring progressive issues to the forefront. We changed the conversation and for that I feel we made a difference.

I have been asked which of the primary winners I am endorsing for Governor. The decision is one I did not make lightly. I feel the Democratic voters of Texas should do a little research and learn as much about the two candidates positions as possible. Make an informed decision. I trust Texans to look beyond names and party rhetoric to learn who will best represent them in that important office.

It is because I trust Texans that I am not endorsing either candidate. They will have to earn the votes of those who supported me and the other voters in the primary election. I trust Texans to make a sound decision and in the spirit of party unity, I will wholeheartedly support whichever candidate makes the best case and wins the runoff.

As for what I will do next? Well, I still have five businesses to run and a house full of puppies to take care of. Luckily, I have a loving husband who is there as always to do it with me.

Beyond that, I am not going away. I will be continuing to work on the issues I championed during the campaign and will be happy to work with elected officials to change the face of Texas and Texas politics.

Again, thank you all for your support and your generosity. I will see you all again as we will continue to rise for Texas.

— David Taffet